There's this image on a page I'm coding which should be resized and horizontally and vertically centered depending on some variables. I can't use the CSS sheet for this, as the width and height variables are dynamic. Therefore I want to have javascript add two extra arguments (top and left) to the style of this specific image.
I've tried this (which to me looked quite sensible)
function getStyleSheet() {
for(var i=0; i<document.styleSheets.length; i++) {
var sheet = document.styleSheets[i];
if(sheet.title == 'StyleSheet') {
return sheet;}
var rule_sheet = getStyleSheet();
function changeText() {
rule_sheet.insertRule(".className { top:" (-(.5*newHeight))+ "; left:" +(-(.5*newWidth))+ ";}");
I've also tried to add an inline style to the image like so: (in the function where the image was resized)
$(this) (-(.5*newHeight));
$(this).style.left= (-(.5*newWidth));
Neither solution worked, while to me both methods seemed plausible. What am I missing?
EDIT: I realized I didn't add the suffix 'px' to this, but after doing so, it still doesn't work :(
EDIT II: After NickFitz hints, I rewrote the last bit of code to this:
$(".className").each(function() {
$(this).css("top", (-(.5*newHeight)), 2);
$(this).css("left", (-(.5*newWidth)), 2);
This actually does change the way it looks. Not the way I want it, but at least I'ma tad closer to a solution.