Here's the current story AFAICT: this article mentions that the consulting firm they formed way back then to put TLO into play was named DJ `AI' Systems and is now (tlo == The Last One). Cha-ching :-)
My guess (after a 2min site scan) is that they grew their business by continually expanding what appears to be business-oriented expert system "modules" that the generated code ran against (and also perhaps even assisted in or guided some of the code generation, most likely for the code that targeted its own routines) and then incorporate the knowledge of how to use the new modules back into TLO. Very impressive, especially for 1981 and with the engine that knew when it didn't know enough -- ScHrIaTp! I wish my manager had 1/10th that functionality.
And you gotta love that it took five minutes to generate 100 bug-free lines of BASIC code.
I'm curious as to whether they ever "closed the loop" (my term) because I didn't see it mentioned (as I didn't fully read it due to that dang corporate job and its fake-time-based insanity) as to whether they actually reached the point where its own representation was manipulated within it in order to generate the next version of TLO itself. The name "The Last One" suggests to me that David James fully understood the meaning of manifesting a piece of software capable of presenting its own representation to the user (== programmer) for modification with the end purpose being to generate its own subsequent version.
All such self-repping-and-editing programs (live processes are IMO far more difficult while being also tantalizingly more interesting) are actually, from my perspective, equivalent in the sense that they are all 'functions that transform functions that transform functions' (how about 'FtTFtTF's -- appropriately absurd and lovely, IMO :-)
Trying to wrap one's head around how to implement such a beautiful piece of software in the face of its myriad possibilities is the kind of programming puzzle that brings home why MDD is both the current brightest idea while simultaneously being rarely used in real-world projects. Your brain better be firing on ALL cyllinders to go treading that path. How long has it taken Simonyi and his billions?
I am also curious as to whether there are infinite variations of FtTFtTFs or just lots and lots of lots of them.
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