



If I have these two methods

public Foo Get(string bar) { ... }
public Foo Get(int bar) { ... }

And write this piece of xml documentation on a different method

/// <summary>
/// Has a close relation to the <see cref="Get"/> methods.
/// </summary>

I get a blue squiggly under Get, saying that it is an Ambiguous reference 'Get'. which is true, but I want it to reference both. What is the correct way of doing this? Or should am I only supposed to reference a single method overload?

+6  A: 


/// Has a close relation to the <see cref="Get(string)"/>  
/// and <see cref="Get(int)" /> methods.

You may need full typenames but intellisense should help as soon as you put first bracket in.

Hope that helps,


Daniel Elliott
Hm... that could get annoying if you have a lot of overloads...
Indeed! However, if you have a lot of overloads that could be a smell telling you there is a refactor in the works. Kindness, Dan
Daniel Elliott