+4  A: 

Firstly, I think you need to elaborate on what your limitations are and what you're trying to achieve. Without that, I can only explain why what you're doing isn't working. Somebody may even have a better idea about how to get the result you're after.

If you put ListBox inside a ScrollViewer, then the control template for ListBox still has its own ScrollViewer inside. When the mouse cursor is over the ListBox and you scroll the mousewheel, that event bubbles up until it reaches the ScrollViewer that's part of ListBox. That one handles it by scrolling and marks the event as handled, so then the ScrollViewer you put the ListBox inside of ignores the event.

If you make the ListBox taller and narrower than the outer ScrollViewer, and give it enough items so that the ListBox itself can scroll the items, you'll see 2 vertical scroll bars: 1 in the ListBox, and 1 outside the ListBox for your outer ScrollViewer. When the mouse cursor is inside the ListBox, the ListBox will scroll the items with its internal ScrollViewer, and its Border will stay in place. When the mouse cursor is outside the ListBox and inside the outer ScrollViewer, that ScrollViewer will scroll its contents -- the ListBox -- which you can verify by noting that the ListBox's Border changes position.

If you want an outer ScrollViewer to scroll the entire ListBox control (including the Border and not just the items), you'll need to re-style the ListBox so that it does not have an internal ScrollViewer, but you'll also need to make sure it automatically gets bigger according to its items.

I don't recommend this approach for a couple reasons. It might make sense if there are other controls inside the ScrollViewer along with the ListBox, but your sample does not indicate that. Also, if you're going to have a lot of items in the ListBox, you'll be creating ListBoxItems for every single one, eliminating any advantage that the default, non-re-styled ListBox gives you due to the default VirtualizingStackPanel.

Please let us know what your actual requirements are.

Edit: Ok, now I have a little better idea, with the addition of those images. The effect you're getting is that when there are enough items to scroll and the scrollbar appears, the available area has to shrink a bit horizontally because the ScrollViewer's template uses a Grid. These seem to be your options, in order of lesser-to-better:

  1. Re-style the ListBox to not have a ScrollViewer and use your re-styled ScrollViewer outside the ListBox. You'd then also have to force the ListBox to also be tall enough to show every item in that same Style, and now you've lost UI virtualization. If you're going to be showing hundreds of items in the list, you definitely don't want to lose that.
  2. Re-style the ListBox and set the ControlTemplate to use a ScrollViewer with the style you already created for it that puts the scrollbar over the content rather than in a separate column. This one's ok (ListBox gets to limit its height and use a VirtualizingStackPanel, yay), but as you said, it necessitates awareness of that in your DataTemplate.
  3. Re-style the ScrollViewer to leave space for vertical scrollbar even when it is not visible. Here's what this option looks like:

By default, ScrollViewer uses 2 columns in a Grid equivalent to this:

    <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
    <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />

So the Width of the scrollbar's column is 0 when the scrollbar is not visible since Width="Auto". To leave space for the scrollbar even when it is hidden, we bind the Width of that column to the Width of the vertical scroll bar:

    <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
        Width="{Binding ElementName=PART_VerticalScrollBar, Path=Width}" />

So now the ControlTemplate in the custom Style for ScrollViewer might look like this:

    TargetType="{x:Type ScrollViewer}">
            <ColumnDefinition />
                Width="{Binding ElementName=PART_VerticalScrollBar, Path=Width}" />
            <RowDefinition />
                Height="Auto" />

        <ScrollContentPresenter />

            Value="{TemplateBinding VerticalOffset}"
            Maximum="{TemplateBinding ScrollableHeight}"
            ViewportSize="{TemplateBinding ViewportHeight}"
            Visibility="{TemplateBinding ComputedVerticalScrollBarVisibility}" />
            Value="{TemplateBinding HorizontalOffset}"
            Maximum="{TemplateBinding ScrollableWidth}"
            ViewportSize="{TemplateBinding ViewportWidth}"
            Visibility="{TemplateBinding ComputedHorizontalScrollBarVisibility}" />


You could even make the content column a fixed size and the scrollbar column Width="*", which might work better in the long run if your image is not stretched. Now the DataTemplate does not have to compenstate for the width of a scrollbar, as it gets a consistent area to use whether the scrollbar is visible or not.

You'll probably want to check out the rest of the example ControlTemplate for ScrollViewer, but those examples are not the default styles. Note that the example puts the vertical scrollbar on the left! Also note the comment at the bottom about ContentScrollPresenter.

Joel B Fant
Updated my post..
Robbert Dam