Lets say I have some simple classes for a twitter-like app:
- User
- Post
A user hasMany posts, and a post belongsTo a user.
Now, I'm trying to get a list of posts for a specific user in order of date.
I know I can get a list of all posts (for all users) by:
def posts = Post.list([sort: 'dateCreated', order: 'asc', max:10])
But to limit it to my particular user I need to reference the user I want and I am supposing that I need to switch from a static call to something like this where I reference the user first:
def user = User.findByUserId(userId)
def posts = user.posts
So now that will return a list of all the posts for that user, but how do organise that list so that they are ordered such as [sort: 'dateCreated', order: 'asc', max:10] to retrieve the first 10 in the correct order?
Or am I just going about this the wrong way?