



I'm dragging and dropping divs between outer container divs and need to get the id of the outer div that the drag started in. I'm doing this by saving $(this.parentNode).attr('id') on the drag start event.

The first time I drag something this gives the expected div id but on subsequent drags of the same div this id is not correct.

Any ideas please?

Here is the code:

<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage" %>

    $(function() {
        var origleft;
        var origtop;
        var origZ;

        // Make lemons image draggable
               start: function(event, ui) {
               origleft = event.clientX;
               origtop = event.clientY;
               origZ = $(this.parentNode).attr('id');
                cursor: "move"

        // Make dish div droppable
            drop: function(event, ui) {
                saveDropDetails(ui.draggable.attr('id'), $(this).attr('id'),, ui.absolutePosition.left, origleft, origtop, origZ);
        // Make table div droppable
            drop: function(event, ui) {
                saveDropDetails(ui.draggable.attr('id'), $(this).attr('id'),, ui.absolutePosition.left);

    function saveCoords(left, top, dragId) {
        alert("{dragId is : '" + dragId + "',left is : '" + left + "',,top is : '" + top + "'}");
    function saveDropDetails(dragId, dropId, dropPosTop, dropPosLeft, origleft, origtop, origZ) {
        alert("dragId is : " + dragId + ",dropId is : " + dropId + ",dropPosTop is : " + dropPosTop + ",dropPosLeft is : " + dropPosLeft + " origTop is " + origtop + " origLeft is " + origleft + " originZ is " + origZ);

<h2>Drag and drop the lemons</h2>

    <div id = "table" style = "background-color:Blue">TABLE
          <%foreach (var aLem in Model.Table)    
          { %>
             <img id = "<%=aLem.LemonId %>", alt ="<%=string.Format("Lemon{0}", aLem.LemonId) %>" src="../../Images/extract.png" style ="padding-left:25px" class = "lemons" />

        <%} %>

    <br />
    <br />
    <br />

    <div id = "dish" style = "background-color:Gray" >DISH
          <%foreach (var aLem in Model.Dish)    
          { %>
             <img id = "<%=aLem.LemonId %>", alt ="<%=string.Format("Lemon{0}", aLem.LemonId) %>" src="../../Images/extract.png" style ="padding-left:25px" class = "lemons" />

        <%} %>



I'll start off by saying it's late and I'm tired.

var tables = [], dishes = [];

<%foreach (var aLem in Model.Table)    
{ %>
  tables.push(<%= aLem.LemonId %>);
  <img id = "<%=aLem.LemonId %>", ... class = "lemons" />
<%} %>

<%foreach (var aLem in Model.Dish)    
{ %>
  dishes.push(<%= aLem.LemonId %>);
  <img id = "<%=aLem.LemonId %>", ... class = "lemons" />
<%} %>

Now your table lemons and dish lemons won't forget where they came from. There might be better ways but this is it for me - hopefully it's enough to get you started.

Andy Gaskell
Thanks but actually I don't want to know where the lemons originally came from, but rather where they were at the start of each drag. I am aiming at a complete history of where the lemons have been dragged and dropped.