When VIM starts, it displays '~' symbol for empty lines. Does anyone knows is it way to change this tilde symbol color?
When VIM starts, it displays '~' symbol for empty lines. Does anyone knows is it way to change this tilde symbol color?
Try this:
:highlight NonText ctermfg=12
12 is the default color; change as you see fit.
Lucas is right but if you want to change the colour in gvim as well I think you need guifg=
as well as ctermfg=
i.e. :highlight NonText ctermfg=color guifg=color
I can't leave comments yet, so this will have to be an answer..
Lucas is correct, but you must remember that this will also change the color of the characters shown when you :set list
. If you are attempting to hide these tildes, you will also hide those characters.
You could try a new color scheme.
:colors <colorscheme name>
You can find the names of the schemes installed on your system in $VIMRUNTIME/colors/ Also, if the 'bg' option isn't set properly, those little tildes can be hard to see.