
As you can see, the actual DIV's do line up (the border of the text div is in line with the top of the photo. The problem is with the text itself. I recommend using FireBug (http://getfirebug.com) to inspect the CSS - you can highlight elements and see their actual bounding boxes and margins on screen.

Tom Woolfrey
+1  A: 

It's the default margins on the paragraph element <p> that is causing you problems.

Just add:

div.commenttext p{margin:0;}

And you'll be fine. Of course, you can tweak the margins if you need a something a bit different.

thanks I don't know why I didn't catch that
As Tom mentioned, FireBug is an indispensable tool for identifying these kinds of problems.
+1  A: 

The CSS is okay. Its the <p> tag. Try using <br> to break lines instead.
