Does anyone have any good resources that show creating an unlimited number of threads in C# WITHOUT using a ThreadPool?
I realize one might question the architecture of a system with hundreds or thousands of threads, so let me explain the task in case the CPU/OS will make this effort moot.
I have about 2500 URLs that I need to test. Some of them are very slow: in excess of 10 seconds to respond. In any event, network latency makes up about 99.99% of each operation.
I'd like to test all 2500 urls as fast as possible.
I wired up a test that tests each of them in their own thread.
The problem is I'm using the ThreadPool and I think the default limit is 25, so that's no good. I need to manage them manually. Am I way out to lunch here?
I realize the CPU/OS will probably also limit the number of concurrent threads per CPU, but I trust this limit is WAY higher than 25.
Regarding architecture, I realize I may be locking up an entire box if I was to wire up 2 thousand HTTP threads, but this is an admin task that runs in isoloation and can take as many resources as are available.
Thanks for your insights.