I've got a query that presently looks something like this (I'll simplify it to get to the point):
select shipment.f1, type1detail.f2
from shipment
join type1detail using (shipmentid)
where shipment.otherinfo='foo'
select shipment.f1, type2detail.f2
from shipment
join type2detail using (shipmentid)
where shipment.otherinfo='foo'
That is, we have two types of detail that can be on a shipment, and I need to find all the records for both types for all the shipments meeting a given condition. (Imagine that the two detail tables have some fields with matching data. In real life there are several more joins in there; as I say I'm trying to simplify the query to get to the question I'm trying to ask today.)
But the "where" clause requires a full-file scan, so it's pretty inefficient to do this full file scan twice. Logically, the database engine should be able to find the shipment records that meet the condition once, and then find all the records from type1detail and type2detail with shipmentid matching those values.
But how do I say this in SQL?
select shipment.f1, detail.f2
from shipment
(select shipmentid, f2
from type1detail
selection shipmdentid, f2
from type2detail
) d using (shipmentid)
where shipment.otherinfo='foo'
would required a full file scan of type1detail, union'ed with a full file scan of type2detail, and then join this to shipment, which would be worse than reading shipment twice. (As each of the detail tables are bigger than shipment.)
This seems like a straightforward thing to want to do, but I just can't think of way that I could express it.
I'm using Postgres if you know a solution particular to that engine, but I was hoping for a generic SQL solution.