




I have a situation that is pretty simple, and I'd like to know the ideal way to do it.

I have a combo box. Each line of the combo box corresponds to a particular strategy object.

What is the proper way to map the combo box lines to the strategy object.

The way I was doing it seems overly complicated, and I'm pretty much guaranteed there is a simple standard way to do this.

Thank you.


I had the data in a Dictionary, where the string was the text for the combobox, and the object was the strategy... But this isn't ordered... And I just know there is some extremely simple way to do it.

SOLUTION: I used this solution, not feeling comfortable putting presentation logic in the data classes:

private partial class HtmlTransformState : AbstractHtmlEditFormState
private Dictionary<string, ITransformStrategy> strategies = new Dictionary<string, ITransformStrategy>() 
    { "Simple URL", new TransformStrategy<SimpleUrlCodeExtractor>() }, 
    { "Overview", new TransformStrategy<OverviewCodeExtractor>() },  
    { "Video List", new TransformStrategy<VideoListCodeExtractor>() }, 
    { "Video List No MbORKb", new TransformStrategy<VideoListNoMBOrKBAndNoLinksAllowedCodeExtractor>() },
    { "Blue Mountain 2007", new TransformStrategy<BlueMountain2007CodeExtractor>() },
    { "Four Gates", new TransformStrategy<FourGatesCodeExtractor>() },
    { "General", new TransformStrategy<GeneralCodeExtractor>() }
public override void DrawForm()
    // ...
    ParentForm.cmboTransformStrategy.DataSource = new BindingSource(strategies, null);
    ParentForm.cmboTransformStrategy.DisplayMember = "Key";
    ParentForm.cmboTransformStrategy.ValueMember = "Value";

public override IEnumerable<string> ProcessHtml(string urlPath)
    ITransformStrategy transformStrategy = (ITransformStrategy)ParentForm.cmboTransformStrategy.SelectedValue;

    // Do some stuff with 'transformStrategy'



I would use the SelectedIndexChanged event on the combobox and select the corresponding dictionary entry

found that, Bind a Dictionary to a ComboBox see below for a working example(at least on the original vb.net code that I wrote)

Vb.net converted into C#, you will have to manage the handle yourself

public class Form1

private Dictionary<int, myDic> dict = new Dictionary<int, myDic>();

private void  // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C#
ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    KeyValuePair<int, myDic> curItem = (KeyValuePair<int, myDic>)ComboBox1.SelectedItem;

private void  // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C#
Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    myDic d = default(myDic);
    for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
        d = new myDic();
        d.myKey = i.ToString;
        d.myvalue = Strings.Chr(65 + i);
        dict.Add(d.GetHashCode, d);
    ComboBox1.DataSource = new BindingSource(dict, null);
    ComboBox1.DisplayMember = "value";
    ComboBox1.ValueMember = "Key";

class myDic
public string myKey;
public string myvalue;

public override string tostring()
    return myvalue;
but how can you use it when the data isn't ordered? Like with a Dictionary. This is the way I WAS doing it, but it required going through hoops with a List<>.
Alex Baranosky
If I could have a List<TextStrategyPair> that would be ideal. Or and OrderedDictionary<string, object>...
Alex Baranosky
Thanks for the link. I will have to check it out.
Alex Baranosky
@updated my answer with something that is working

Override ToString for your strategy object. After that you can insert your strategy objects directly in the combo box.

public class StrategyObject
    public override string ToString()
        return "return the text to display";

StrategyObject selectedStratObj = comboBox1.SelectedItem as StrategyObject;
Francis B.
interesting idea!
Alex Baranosky
Should the data class really know about how it is presented? This seems like a violation of SoC...
Alex Baranosky
@GordonG: Well it depends how your StrategyObject is structured. Per example, if you had a collection of Animal and the class Animal has a property Name. It would be perfectly valid to return the property Name in the method ToString(). Now, If you need to generate a valid name for your object, my solution is not really the best for you.
Francis B.
But it's a nifty idea, and one I will remember for the future. Thanks.
Alex Baranosky
+2  A: 

Do you mean something like the following?

public class Strategy
    private string _name = "default";
    public string Name
         get { return _name; }
     set { _name = value; }

    public Strategy(string name)
        _name = name;

Then in form load (you need to have a combo box on that form):

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    List<Strategy> ls = new List<Strategy>();
    ls.Add(new Strategy("First"));
    ls.Add(new Strategy("Second"));
    ls.Add(new Strategy("Third"));

    comboBox1.DataSource = ls;
    comboBox1.DisplayMember = "Name";
I am uncomfortable putting presentation information in the data classes... It seems to confuse the separation of concerns. Plus, who is to say the Strategy objects are going to know exactly how I want them to be formatted on the comboBox?
Alex Baranosky
Point taken. In some cases I use the "partial" feature of C# to separate logic. Data still is in the same class but in 2 files, one with the DB access layer (for instance) and the other with the presentation stuff. There are many ways to organize a hierarchy and I'm not saying one way is better than other; whatever works and follows the KISS principle I like :)