



Hello all,

I am using c# .net.

aspx form

    <asp:Table ID="viewV" runat="server">

Code Behind

vRepository getV = new vRepository();

var viewAllV = getV.GetV();

            foreach (tblV singleV in viewAllV)
                TableRow tr = new TableRow();

                // Create four new cells for each row within the database

                TableCell vName = new TableCell();
                TableCell vType = new TableCell();

                // Attached values to each of these cells

                vName.Text = singleV.vName;
                vType.Text = singleV.tblVType.vName;

                // Add the cells to the table


                // Add the row to the table


I am currently populating a asp:table using LINQ, this is working fine.

    public IQueryable<tblV> GetV()
        return (from getAllV in dc.tblV
                where getAllV.deleted != 1
                orderby getAllV.vName
                select getAllV).DefaultIfEmpty();

I have tried the GridView/ListView/DetailsView but can’t seem to access the GetV, I can only access the actual table.

I want to add a edit/delete button to the end of every row, so that the user can select the row they wish to edit/delete.

Once the user has selected either the edit/delete button, this should then access a different view (one for edit, one for add - within the same aspx file).

For example:

Name Type

Example 1 Type 1 Edit Button Delete Button

Example 2 Type 1 Edit Button Delete Button

I want to be able to select the Edit Button for ‘Example 1’. This should then:

  1. Take me to the ‘edit view’
  2. Auto populate the two text fields with the correct information.
  3. Update row (within database) with new information using unique ID(PK)

How came I produce multiple edit/delete buttons which somehow hold the unique ID for that row?

I thought it would be something like this:

TableCell vEdit = new TableCell();
vEdit.Button = singleV.vID;

Thanks in advance for any help.



If you really want to "hard-code" it, use ASP.NET MVC. Otherwise, you really should use some sort of databound control.

That said, if you insist on this approach you can probably do something like this:

Button editButton = new Button();
editButton.Text = "Edit";
editButton.CommandArgument = singleV.vID.ToString();
editButton.CommandName = "Edit";
editButton.OnCommand += new CommandEventHandler(EditButton_Command);

TableCell vEdit = new TableCell();


Then from your event handler's CommandEventArgs you can retrieve the argument and change your view accordingly.

I’m sorry if I’m not making myself clear, I do want the best solution, however I am struggling to adapt the databound controls to suit my requirements. I need to access the GetV (currently located within a Class). Within GetV I am using LINQ. When I try to attach a datasource it only allows me to access the actual table and not the GetV. I also want the edit/delete buttons to go to another view whilst still containing the unquie ID. If the views are the best solutions can anyone recommend any documentation which provide a step by step guide, regarding my requirements?