



Hi my database has started to go over 2GB in backed up size, so I'm looking at options for splitting the file and then reassembling it to restore the database.

I've got a series of files from doing the following backup shell file:

DATE_STRING=\date +%u%a\


/usr/local/mysql_versions/mysql-5.0.27/bin/mysqldump --defaults-file=/usr/local/mysql_versions/mysql-5.0.27/my.cnf --user=myuser --password=mypw --add-drop-table --single-transaction mydb | split -b 100000000 - rank-$DATE_STRING.sql-;

this prodes a sequence of files like:

mydb-3Wed.sql-ac ...

my question is what is the corresponding sequence of commands that I need to use for linux to do the restore?

Previously I was using this command:

/usr/local/mysql_versions/mysql-5.0.27/bin/mysql --defaults-file=/usr/local/mysql_versions/mysql-5.0.27/my.cnf --user=myuser --password=mypw -D mydb < the_old_big_dbdump.sql

Any suggestions even if they don't involve split / cat would be greatly appreciated

+1  A: 

I don't see why you can't just do:

cat mydb-3Wed.sql-* | /usr/local/mysql_versions/mysql-5.0.27/bin/mysql --defaults-file=/usr/local/mysql_versions/mysql-5.0.27/my.cnf --user=myuser --password=mypw -D mydb

The * globbing should provide the files in the sorted order, check with ls mydb-3Wed.sql-* that they actually are though.

Good to see proper basic shell knowledge applied.
Eric M
Yup you're right, sorry for such a basic question.Thanks for replying, Simon B
Simon B