I'm writing a view helper based on the ideas about partial requests from this blog post: http://blog.codeville.net/2008/10/14/partial-requests-in-aspnet-mvc/
In the controller action I prepare a widget by running:
AddWidget<Someontroller>(x => x.OtherActionName(new List<int>()));
Then in my view I can run the action and render the view output by doing some form of:
And here comes my question, what compiler checked syntax would you choose from the following to use in the view:
Html.RenderWidget<SomeController, List<int>>(x => x.OtherActionName);
Html.RenderWidget<SomeController>(x => x.OtherActionName(null));
Html.RenderWidget<SomeController>(x => x.OtherActionName(It.IsAny<List<int>>);
Can anyone name some pros and cons? Or is it better to go with strings as the original Partial Request implementation does?
PS. Don't take the naming of It.IsAny> to litteraly, I just thought it was best described using the Moq naming.