



I'm attempting to insert some integers into a Postgres table with the following somewhat simple code.

#include <libpq-fe.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>

int main() {
  int64_t i = 0;
  PGconn * connection = PQconnectdb( "dbname='babyfood'" );
  if( !connection || PQstatus( connection ) != CONNECTION_OK )
    return 1;
  printf( "Number: " );
  scanf( "%d", &i );

  char * params[1];
  int param_lengths[1];
  int param_formats[1];
  param_lengths[0] = sizeof( i );
  param_formats[0] = 1;
  params[0] = (char*)&i;
  PGresult * res =  PQexecParams( connection, 
                                  "INSERT INTO intlist VALUES ( $1::int8 )",
                                  0 );
  printf( "%s\n", PQresultErrorMessage( res ) );
  PQclear( res );
  PQfinish( connection );
  return 0;

I get the following results:

Number: 55
ERROR:  integer out of range
Number: 1
ERROR:  integer out of range

I'm pretty sure that an int64_t will always fit in an 8 byte integer on any sane platform. What am I doing wrong?


I think it's getting passed over as 32-bit int, and then gets casted to 64-bit, because you're not telling libpq what the format is.

Try specifying an array for paramTypes, with the oid for int8 (which is 20) for the parameter.

Magnus Hagander
It's supposed to be able to determine that from the ::int8 cast. Also, it's definitely an endian issue, since flipping the endian not only gets rid of the error but actually results in correct insertions.
Edward Amsden
Ah, I see. I should've thought of that :)
Magnus Hagander
+1  A: 

Alright, it appears that it's an endian issue, which still doesn't quite explain it, since a little-endian (i.e. x86) 64 bit signed integer should fit in a big-endian 64 bit integer and vice versa, they'd just be corrupted. Swapping the endian on the integer yields the correct value, however. Swapping is done with the following function:

int64_t flip_endian( int64_t endi ) {
  char* bytearray;
  char swap;
  int64_t orig = endi;
  int i;

  bytearray = (char*)&orig;

  for( i = 0; i < sizeof( orig )/2; ++i ) {
    swap = bytearray[i];
    bytearray[i] = bytearray[ sizeof( orig ) - i - 1 ];
    bytearray[ sizeof( orig ) - i - 1 ] = swap;

  return orig;

Edward Amsden
+2  A: 

Instead of:

params[0] = (char*)&i;

you should use:

#include <endian.h>
/* ... */
int64_t const i_big_endian = htobe64(i);
params[0] = (char*)&i_big_endian;

A htobe64 function will switch endianness on little-endian, and do nothing on big-endian.

Ditch your flip_endian function, as it would make your program incompatible with big-endian/bi-endian computers, like PowerPC, Alpha, Motorola, SPARC, IA64 etc. Even if your program does not expect to be run on them it is a bad style, slow and error prone.
