Implementing a searchbar can be tricky business and I'm struggling to make it work for my situation. Here's a collection of some of the sample code I've found for implementing a UISearchBar. Please share any others below you've come across below.
Apple's TableSearch code implements a contacts-like search of a simple tableview.
Beginning iPhone Dev Book's Sections sample code implements a searchBar on a sectioned tableview. Data is pulled from a plist.
iPhone Developers Cookbook Chapter 8, 10a SearchBar example searches a table of color names. Selection of a color name changes the tint of the search bar. Also see their Chapter 9 01a-Finding People app.
iPhoneSDK's source code TableViewPart6 searches a table of country names with 2 sections for countries visited and those to visit.
Stanford's iPhone app programming class's 08-MyTableView sample filters a simple list of names.