i have 2 tables(result of two separate SQL queries and this result will be contained by List<Object>
where each object represents 1 row of the database )
- Dimension_1
- Dimension_2
- Fact_1
- Dimension_1
- Dimension_2
- Fact_2
I want to join these two result in the RESULTSET AS
- Dimension_1
- Dimension_2
- Fact_1
- Fact_2
Due to some complication in querying part in my system i can't issue single query for the resultant table, and due to these limitations i will have have to join the two results List <object>
(table_1 & table_2) into table_resultant every time
what are the possible approach for the Problem?
Is creating a Temporary table(to join the two resultsets) in MYSQL can be a potential solution??? Yes I am allowed to create temporary tables in Mysql
YES,"COMPLEX" SQL is permitted on the 2 "Results" to GET the resultant_table