An eternal problem! :-)
Basically, right now, Microsoft doesn't really have a good answer for this.
What I would do is have both connection strings in my settings file, under two separate names, and then have a config setting in app.config which tells me which one to use:
MyDatabaseDEV = server=(local);database=mydatabase;-........
MyDatabasePROD = server=ProdServer;database=MyDatabase;........
and in app.config
<add key="UseDatabase" value="MyDatabaseDEV" />
This setting in app.config can be tweaked in your build process, e.g. by a "after build" batch file, or an MSBuild task or something, to be switched to "MyDAtabasePROD", when you do a production (release) build.
Microsoft promises us more and more flexible tools for .NET 4.0 / Visual Studio 2010, which should be out by the end of the year 2009. You should be able to create "config transformations" - check out these blog posts: