



Hi, I have static class with static dictionary with some informations. The dictionary has key as WeakReference (i don't want prevent garbage collection of the real key object ).

Code sample:

public static class ThreadHelper {
    private static readonly object syncRoot = new object();
    private static Dictionary<WeakReference, ThreadInfo> threadInfos = new Dictionary<WeakReference, ThreadInfo>();

    // some static thread safe methods for adding, removing and changes items

What is good (or best) way to clean the items in "threadInfos" dictionary which are in fact empty, and has no usage in future?

Should I check for "empty" keys in every Add/Remove/Change method or should I do it another way or should I do the concept completly differently?


EDIT 2: It looks the answer is more complex than I thought. I provide full source of ThreadHelper class at ThreadHelper class and the simple test source code at Simple test.

EDIT: The method which finds the key looks:

private static WeakReference FindThreadReference( Thread thread ) {
    WeakReference ret = null;

    WeakReference[] keys;
    lock ( syncRoot ) {
        keys = threadInfos.Keys.ToArray();

    foreach ( var key in keys ) {
        if ( key.IsAlive ) {
            var tmpThread = key.Target;
            if ( object.ReferenceEquals( tmpThread, thread ) ) {
                ret = key;

    return ret;

I still don't understand why is using WeakReference as key bad idea (but it is not important for now), should I wrapp the WeakReference with some class of struct and use the wrapper as key?