At first, I thought that RESTful is when I write code, someone can use my function like a web service. After I read lots of thing. When I am looking back now, I see lots of resources. So, Is restful means sending data or sending my code? I am confused.
REST architecture means that every resource is accessible with a unique URI.
2009-08-20 08:57:21
And code can be a resource too.
2009-08-20 08:59:05
How can code be resource? I have a function. I just want that clients can see parameters and name of function. And he'll use my function. How this will be happen
2009-08-20 09:03:55
Hm think of it like you're requesting an css file, javascript etc. this is also possible. if it's wise, is another question.
2009-08-20 12:23:02
-1 REST architecture means a *LOT* more than just that.
2009-08-20 15:06:26
now I think that rest is just resource(s). There is nothing about function. Server sends resources and clients create its own function. What is difference between rest and RPC is rest doesn't change the protocol. It uses HTTP but RPC tunnels HTTP. am I right wahn?
2009-08-20 20:02:20
@Wahnfrieden: Who says it doesn't means more than just that? In base this fits his question i think.
2009-08-21 07:18:27
@chrsk I think it's a misleading and inaccurate answer.
2009-08-24 05:17:51
@iguramu: REST allows for code-on-demand, where the server sends code to be executed by the client.
2009-08-24 05:18:46
But rest is nothing about operation. Am i right?
2009-08-24 06:12:19
@Iguramu sorry, I don't understand. Your questions are often too vague for me to help you very well.
2009-08-24 15:09:43
i read there but I have still question. and also it doesn't help me that when i want somebody to use my code, not to copy and write my code again how can he do that? I dont want to share my code, i just will give my parameters and name of function.
2009-08-20 10:52:20