



Recently I been doing some Web UI work, and it is frustrating to deal with all the compatibility issues, and the unexpected browser (FF, IE, Safari) behaviors.

  • Event bubbling
  • creating and destroying elements
  • dynamically adding elements with behaviors (that did not initially execute)
  • interacting with modals
  • z-index

I seek to understand how and why browsers work the way they do, and how they are built. Also any pointers or links about best practices. Thanks

+1  A: 

YUI theater has a bunch of great content. Watch the Crockford videos for more on Javascript / DOM issues.

YUI Theater

Steve Brewer
Really good videos. Thanks.
+1  A: 

Here's some informative links about how browsers work, and some information/guides about CSS and cross-browser compatibility:

And some detailed information about the specific things you're interested in:

Josh Leitzel
Thank you. Very useful links.
+1  A: 

For CSS cross browser compatibility, a CSS Reset can help tame the madness a bit ("The goal of a reset stylesheet is to reduce browser inconsistencies in things like default line heights, margins and font sizes of headings, and so on.").

As for inconsistencies with JavaScript bubbling, events, and behaviors, you could use a framework to help alleviate some of the pain. One of the goals of these frameworks is "write once, run anywhere [any browser]". JQuery is the most popular library at the moment. Google can help you find other frameworks.

CSS Reset. Seems like a good idea. Will look into it.
+2  A: 

Really, just use prototype or JQuery. The extra 12MB or so will drastically simply your development.

Where'd you get 12mb from?
Nathan Taylor
I am heavily usering JQuery and its plugins. Still, I get issues related z-index, and syntax a lot. It may work in FF, not in IE etc as the story goes.
So which Prototypejs/JQuery library are you using? The super dooper maximized ( vs. minimized ) versions?
+1  A: 

I have a (pretty long..) summery on the subject in how browsers work. You can also see the resources list for other references.
