We are trying to emulate a POS keyboard in order to integrate an application with an existing Point of Sale application.
We ran across this software: Virtual Serial Port Kit
It basically creates a virtual serial port pair so that data send to COM1 can come out of COM4 and vice versa. This allows our application to send data through COM4 to appear to the POS application that it is talking to a keyboard on COM1.
Pretty ingenious, but it seems there is some kind of signalling going on that we are not able to replicate with the .Net System.IO.Ports.SerialPort class...
From what we can tell from serial port monitoring programs, this is how the startup sequence works:
- 8 byte Command sent to keyboard
- Keyboard beeps
- Some kind of signal is sent from the keyboard
- Second 8 byte command is sent to keyboard, triggered by the signal
- Keyboard replies with device and version information
When using our virtual serial port, we cannot figure out how to replicate the signal sent from the keyboard. We can see all data coming through properly, so we believe the settings on our SerialPort object are correct. Here is a snippet of our SerialPort settings:
_port.BaudRate= 9600;
_port.Parity = Parity.None;
_port.DataBits = 8;
_port.StopBits = StopBits.One;
_port.DtrEnable = true;
_port.RtsEnable = true;
We also noticed from using portmon we see a GET_MODEM_STATUS request that is what the POS application is waiting on before sending the second command.
Any ideas on how to diagnose this? Since we are using .NET this whole situation is a little more low level than we're used to.
UPDATE: I also want to note that we tried the SDK here: Franson Serial Tools but we could not even get data to go through when using this SDK.
UPDATE: We have thrown out using any kind of virtual serial port. We have gotten a cable to run from the POS PC to another and can see data coming across to emulate the keyboard. Now our problem is that we can't figure out how to signal that the keyboard is ready to recieve data as the top answer mentions. It appears that the POS application sends the command to beep an waits up to 3 seconds waiting for a signal. So it times out when talking to our application, but not when talking to the real keyboard
How can we do this with the SerialPort class? We already set DtrEnable and RtsEnable to true, do we need to set something else? Or do we have to use a lower level serial port p/invoke to accomplish this?
_port.RtsEnabled = false;
_port.RtsEnabled = true;
This makes the POS application think the keyboard is plugged in, which makes sense. I'll mark the #1 answer as the answer since it greatly helped us find the solution.