I would like to create data visualizations in desktop apps, using frameworks, languages and libraries that help with this kind of task. Visualizations should be interactive: clickable, draggable, customizable, animated...
What I would like to create is something similar to the examples seen here: http://www.visualcomplexity.com/vc/
These are the links I already know: http://delicious.com/laura_laura/visualization?setcount=100
The preferred language is C++/Visual C++ (MFC) because I'm familiar with it, but any other technology is welcome, I would like to make a list from "as similar as possible" to Visual C++ to "very different" from Visual C++.
WPF, flex, Adobe Air, flare, Javascript (running in a browser as client-side apps with access to local files or as desktop apps) are possibilities, post any good links to examples, tutorials, how-tos, etc. that you know of.
What are the learning curves and complexity for the different options? Wich one would you choose and why? Wich one have you already worked with and how was your experience? How would you start with a project of this characteristics?