Given this HTML - how can I extend my jQuery to make the text being displayed by the <input>
elements appears "dimmed" or grayed out when I select the "Do Not Limit" radiobutton?
See the sample here:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#rbnDontLimit").click(function() {
$('.dcDetails').attr('checked', false).attr('disabled', true);
<body class="contentBody">
<input id="rbnDontLimit" type="radio" name="limitChoice">Do not Limit</input>
<input id="months12" class="dcDetails" type="checkbox" name="choiceMonths">12 months</input>
Right now, clicking on the "Do Not Limit" button will properly disable the checkbox (thanks, gw, for all your help on this one!), but the text still appears identical as before.
Is there another clever jQuery / CSS trickery available to make that text appear dimmed??