



Greetings All, I have two ascx's loaded in the page-init event of an aspx page. Control 1 has a radio button list that I want a dropdown list on control 2 to respond to it's selectedIndex change. So far I call RaiseBubbleEvent on the SelectedIndexChange handler and I pass on a control reference and commandArgs. Then in the aspx I override OnBubbleEvent and I am able to receive the control reference and commandArgs. My question is how do I pass this information on to Control 2. The page is not aware of the controls as they are loaded dynamically and added to asp:PlaceHolders in the aspx. I need Control 2 to know which radio button was selected so I can change the datasource for the dropdown on control 2. Does anyone have any examples of something like this? Any pointers or tips would be appreciated.

Thanks, ~ck in San Diego


I'm not sure this is a very good solution but it should work. Create a handler for the event in control 2 and have some way of accessing a delegate to that handler. Then just hookup the event of control 1 to the handler returned by that accessor. Very crude example:

In control1:

public event SelectedIndexChanged;

public void PageLoad()
    radioList.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(RadSelectedIndexChanged);

public void RadSelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs args)
    SelectedIndexChanged(sender, args);

In aspx page:

control1.SelectedIndexChanged += control2.GetHandler();

In control2:

public EventHandler GetHandler()
    return new EventHandler(HandleEvent);

protected void HandleEvent(object sender, EventArgs args)

Simon Fox

Well, Control 2 should really just be attaching to the 'SelectedIndexChanged' event of the other control. Is that not possible for some reason?

Noon Silk

Since you mention that the page is not aware of these controls the best thing is to have the Control1 class to expose an interface with an I-want-to-listen-to-your-event setter method.

Control2 should search its parent (the page) for other sibling control(s) that implement the interface, and then call the setter passing a reference to their handler.

This way the controls can be dropped onto any other page without modification.


Added a sample web application for download. The source code is released to the public domain.

I like this idea. How do I create an interface with an I-want-to-listen-to-your-event setter method? When u say "setter", do you mean a property {set;} and what type should the method return. I apologize, I am a bit of a newbie when coding events. Thanks.
@Kettenbach: Added sample app.