We are designing a product which could support multiple databases. We are doing something like this currently so that our code supports MSSQL as well as MySQL.
namespace Handlers { public class BaseHandler { protected string connectionString; protected string providerName; protected BaseHandler() { connectionString = ApplicationConstants.DatabaseVariables.GetConnectionString(); providerName = ApplicationConstants.DatabaseVariables.GetProviderName(); } } } ======================================================== namespace Constants { internal class ApplicationConstants { public class DatabaseVariables { public static readonly string SqlServerProvider = "System.Data.SqlClient"; public static readonly string MySqlProvider = "MySql.Data.MySqlClient"; public static string GetConnectionString() { return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CONNECTION_STRING"].ConnectionString; } public static string GetProviderName() { return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CONNECTION_STRING"].ProviderName; } } } } ========================================================= namespace Handlers { internal class InfoHandler : BaseHandler { public InfoHandler() : base() { } public void Insert(InfoModel infoModel) { CommonUtilities commonUtilities = new CommonUtilities(); string cmdInsert = InfoQueryHelper.InsertQuery(providerName); DbCommand cmd = null; try { DbProviderFactory provider = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(providerName); DbConnection con = LicDbConnectionScope.Current.GetOpenConnection(provider, connectionString); cmd = commonUtilities.GetCommand(provider, con, cmdInsert); commonUtilities.PrepareCommand(cmd, infoModel.AccessKey, "paramAccessKey", DbType.String, false, provider, providerName); commonUtilities.PrepareCommand(cmd, infoModel.AccessValue, "paramAccessValue", DbType.String, false, provider, providerName); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (SqlException dbException) { //-2146232060 for MS SQL Server //-2147467259 for MY SQL Server /*Check if Sql server instance is running or not*/ if (dbException.ErrorCode == -2146232060 || dbException.ErrorCode == -2147467259) { throw new BusinessException("ER0008"); } else { throw new BusinessException("GENERIC_EXCEPTION_ERROR"); } } catch (Exception generalException) { throw generalException; } finally { cmd.Dispose(); } } } } ============================================================ namespace QueryHelpers { internal class InfoQueryHelper { public static string InsertQuery(string providerName) { if (providerName == ApplicationConstants.DatabaseVariables.SqlServerProvider) { return @"INSERT INTO table1 (ACCESS_KEY ,ACCESS_VALUE) VALUES (@paramAccessKey ,@paramAccessValue) "; } else if (providerName == ApplicationConstants.DatabaseVariables.MySqlProvider) { return @"INSERT INTO table1 (ACCESS_KEY ,ACCESS_VALUE) VALUES (?paramAccessKey ,?paramAccessValue) "; } else { return string.Empty; } } } }
Can you please suggest if there is any better way of doing it? Also what are the pros and cons of the approach?
Kalpak L