




Whenever I attach a DataTemplate to a MenuItem, each generated menu item gets an extra space on the left side. This extra space looks as wide as the space reserved for the check, which I use. Building a menu manually without a DataTemplate doesn't add this extra space. As an extra wrinkle, if I click on this extra space the menu item goes away but no click event is generated. I don't know why it's adding this extra space. Any ideas?

my xaml code couldn't be more simpler:

Menu with the described extra spaces:

    <MenuItem Header="Enemies" ItemsSource="{Binding AvailableEnemyClasses}">
                <MenuItem Header="{Binding}">

Menu without extra spaces:

    <MenuItem Header="Utilities" >
        <MenuItem Header="Enemy01"/>
        <MenuItem Header="Enemy02"/>
        <MenuItem Header="Enemy03"/>
+3  A: 

It's because the visual tree produced by your DataTemplate will be wrapped in a container - in this case, a MenuItem. Therefore, you actually have a MenuItem within a MenuItem, which explains the extra space and the lack of interactivity. There's no need to include the MenuItem in your ItemTemplate.

Your example might instead be written as:

    <MenuItem Header="Enemies" ItemsSource="{Binding AvailableEnemyClasses}">
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding}"/>

Or, perhaps more succinctly:

    <MenuItem Header="Enemies" ItemsSource="{Binding AvailableEnemyClasses}">
            <Style TargetType="MenuItem">
                <Setter Property="Header" Value="{Binding}"/>
                <Setter Property="IsChecked">
                        <MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource YourConverter}">
                            <Binding .../>
                            <Binding .../>

HTH, Kent

Kent Boogaart
Thanks for your answer! I had another question: With an ItemContainerStyle, how would I bind the MenuItem's IsChecked property to a multibinding?
Steve the Plant
No problem. That should probably be a separate question, but I updated my answer to show you how.
Kent Boogaart
Ah, now I understand. Thanks Kent!
Steve the Plant