




I'm looking to test system responsiveness etc. on a few machines under certain CPU usage conditions. Unfortunately I can only create ~100% usage (infinite loop) or not enough CPU usage (I'm using C#).

Is there any way, in rough approximation, as other tasks are running on the system as well, to create CPU usage artificially at 20, 30, 40% (and so forth) steps?

I understand that there are differences between systems, obviously, as CPU's vary. It's more about algorithms/ideas on customizable CPU intensive calculations that create enough usage on a current CPU without maxing it out that I can tweak them then in some way to adjust them to create the desired percentage.


Not done this - but you could try working out prioritised threads running in multiple programs.

Preet Sangha

When you tried using sleep, did you do like this or just put the sleep inside the actual loop? I think this will work.

  for(int i=0;i<veryLargeNumber; i++)
      //maybe add more loops here if looping to veryLargeNumber goes to quickly
      //also maybe add some dummy operation so the compiler doesn't optimize the loop away
+3  A: 
Colin Gravill
+5  A: 

Quick background: In reality a CPU is either busy or not, 100% or 0%. Operating systems just do a running average over a short period of time to give you an idea of how often your CPU is crunching.

I would probably use C# to attach to the "Processor" performance counters (Total, not per core). You may want to keep a short running average in your code too.

In your for-loop, check the value of your Processor usage and depending on whether its near your threshold, sleep for a longer or shorter interval... (you might increment/decrement your sleep delay more or less depending on how far away you are from ideal load)

If you get the running average, and your sleep increment/decrement values right, your program should self-tune to get to the right load.

Neil Fenwick
+3  A: 

This then?

    DateTime lastSleep = DateTime.Now;            
    while (true)
        TimeSpan span = DateTime.Now - lastSleep;
        if (span.TotalMilliseconds > 700)
            lastSleep = DateTime.Now;

You could use smaller numbers to get a more steady long as the ratio is whatever you want. This does only use one core though, so you might have to do this in multiple threads.
