Let's consider some possible inputs:
John Smith
Your initial sample query is:
SELECT * FROM people
firstname LIKE '%user_submitted_data%' OR
lastname LIKE '%user_submitted_data%'
Now, when the user enters the first input, this query will pick all the people whose first name contains 'John'; it will also pick all the people whose last name contains 'John' (for example, all the Johnsons in the database). Similarly, the second input will pick all the people whose first name contains 'Smith'; it will also pick all the people whose last name contains 'Smith' (for example, the Smithsons and Smithers). So far, so good; it isn't perfect because of case-sensitivity issues (I will ignore case-sensitivity from here on, but you probably should not ignore it at all), but it will be OK.
The third input will only pick the people whose first name contains 'John Smith'; it will also pick those people whose last name contains 'John Smith'. However, it is rather likely that there are very few people who meet those criteria - those people called John Smith will have just John in the first name and just Smith in the last name. This is unlikely to be what you had in mind.
It is not clear whether you have a column called 'fullname' in the table. If you do, then you can just match against that column instead of matching against the first name and last name separately. If you don't, maybe you can manufacture such a column and then run the query against that.
FROM (SELECT firstname || ' ' || lastname AS fullname, ... FROM people) AS t
WHERE t.fullname LIKE '%user_submitted_data%'
This works reasonably well.
However, if you are worried about names such as 'Charles De Gaulle' (or 'Charles de Gaulle') or 'Michael van den Berg'), then the matching will fail if someone enters 'Charles Gaulle' or 'Michael Berg', let alone Michael Vandenberg. You would probably need to replace any space characters in the user input with a '%' symbol too. Even then, you face the problem that the words must appear in exactly the sequence given by the user - which may not matter, but you should consciously decide that it doesn't matter. For example, if the input is 'Adam John Smith', then the query won't catch 'John Adam Smith'; if the input is 'Smith, John', then it won't pick up anyone (most likely).
If you want to manage this, you probably need to tokenize the user's input, and search on the separate words. Beware of someone asking about a sub-string of a word (for example, someone asks about 'de' as a name word) - none of the queries at the moment ensures that the user input words match whole words in the values (John vs Johnson), and doing so with the SQL standard LIKE operator is near enough impossible.