If I understood what you asked correctly...
you want to load via ajax into a div on your page, lets call it;
1) div id="loadStuffHere" of (abc.html)
2) the stuff to populate "loadStuffHere" comes from xyz.html
So just do this;
BUT WAIT!! You dont want to have to load everything from xyz.html you just want to load a portion of xyz.html say of (xyz.html)
So just do this;
$("loadStuffHere").load("xyz.html #loadMeOnly");
BUT WAIT!! Lets say inside of div id="loadMeOnly" is an accordion so which means it has to be initialized which means u have to also include the javascripts... hmm, what to do...
You would think of doing this;
$("loadStuffHere").load("xyz.html #loadMeOnly");
Well the above sucks because a) u would need to create an external js file and b) You are actually making 2 http calls, when u could do it with 1 http call if you did it by normal non-ajax way.
So... the best solution is to get 2 things with 1 call the (HTML and the js - 1 line, 1 http) here is how u do it;
$("loadStuffHere").load("xyz.html #loadMeOnly, script");
This loads the #loadMeOnly div AND all script tags, so u would have it all... happy happy :)
the trick here is commas... u could pick and choose to load whatever doms u want