For some strange reason I cannot figure out right now, NoEmbed.php fails with a fatal error when trying to include a file. include path is set correctly, I've verified that like below (right before the require_once directive in NoEmbed.php):
$s = ini_get('include_path');
$a = explode(':',$s);
foreach($a AS $path) {
echo $path;
if(file_exists($path.'/Zend/Gdata/Extension.php')) echo '...found<br/>';
else echo '...not found<br/>';
which outputs "found" within the location expected.
I must admit that I'm currently unable to think of any reason why this should happen, especialy since NoEmbed.php is included correctly. I've encountered similar problems with caching solutions, but they've all been deactivated or uninstalled by now without making any difference.
Edit: I just found that it works with "require" vs "require_once" (then throwing a redeclare error)... any possible reason for that?