




Looking to host multiple static web sites by pointing DNS to an Elastic Load Balancer and serving the content via Cloudfront.

Is this a plausible approach? Are there any gotchas we should look out for. How should we configure DNS for each site?

Appreciate any thoughts on this



Hi Dom,

Each ELB will have it's own public DNS. You will need a CNAME for your domains to map them to the ELB so that your users can get to your ELB like this:

CloudFront will push an S3 bucket to Amazon's edge network - putting that content closer to it's requesting user. Your domain names shouldn't point directly to this content, however your site (on your EC2 instance) will consist of HTML files that reference your CloudFront distribution.

Now you'll have one or more servers processing requests and CloudFront serving the content. Very plausible.

Best of luck.


Hi ChadFrom what I've gathered from the ELB documentation it will only work with EC2 instances. Therefore we'll have to have at least one instance linked to the ELB. My goal was to try to offload all the content serving to cloudfront by reverse proxying cloudfront via ELB. But alas this does not look possibleAm now investigating using HAproxy or plain old Apache as a solutionThanks for your comment