Why is my huge background not showing in Firefox or Opera? Any ideas?
Is it showing in any browser? What is it supposed to look like?
It's showing up here using Safari 4.0.2 running on Mac OS X.
It's over 1MB though, you might wan't to do something about the filesize..
EDIT: Just realized that you were asking about FF/Opera, so nevermind.
UPDATE: maybe this helps
I don't know if this could be causing the image not to be displayed in firefox, but if I save it and try to open it with The Gimp, I always get a message saying "Premature end of JPEG file" ; same with ImageMagick's identify, btw
And I tried downloading it, twice, with both Firefox and wget...
Here's the output of identify :
$ identify 1442777.jpg
1442777.jpg JPEG 1600x1039 1600x1039+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 1.033mb
identify: Premature end of JPEG file `1442777.jpg' @ coders/jpeg.c/EmitMessage/226.
identify: Corrupt JPEG data: premature end of data segment `1442777.jpg' @ coders/jpeg.c/EmitMessage/226.
Maybe re-saving that image, on your side, might help ?
Also, your image is definitly big ; re-compressing to JPEG, using 80% quality instead of 100% might help with that too : here is the same image saved at 80% quality with The Gimp : http://extern.pascal-martin.fr/so/1442777-2.jpg ; do you see a big difference with the original image : http://www.mibsolutionsllc.com/proc%5Fdev/bg%5Fimages/1442777.jpg ?
The difference in size, however, is quite big :
$ ll -h 1442777*
-rw-r--r-- 1 squale squale 254K 2009-08-23 19:49 1442777-2.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 squale squale 1,1M 2009-08-21 23:20 1442777.jpg
The original image is 1.1 MB ; the 80% quality one is only 254 KB ; 4 times less, for almost the same image ;-)
That would be great for the users of your website ;-)
BTW, if I use the image hosted on my server (re-saved with The Gimp, so smaller, and without the "Premature end of JPEG file" error) and inject it in your CSS with firebug, it is displayed as a background on your site -- so this might be it...
Hope this help, at least !
Using firebug I get this error:
$body.css("background-image") is undefined
in flexibg.js at line 76, I don't know the technology you are using to take the css property on that passage but maybe this has something to do with your problem.
Hope this helped.
Hi all, the images WAS too large and needed to be resized to a smaller size. I also used a special code which rotates the image (http://sonspring.com/journal/easy-random-css-backgrounds) which is pretty awesome. Thank you so much for your help!!!!