I am using asp.net mvc and I am trying to send 2 sets of database from jquery to my Mvc view.
Now my view will look like this
public ActionResult MyView(Product one, Product two)
now how do I send the stuff back so everything will be binded correctly? I know how to do it with one set of data but not with 2.
Like if I only need to past one set of data to one Product prameter all I would do this
var send = form.serializeArray();
and in my ajax post.
$.post("MyView", send, function(result) {});
It would be sent to MyView and it wold be bound to Product1(note in this case MyView would only have one parameter)
But I don't know how to do thsi with 2 serializedArrays since it seems I would have to json this stuff up and then the binder can't figure out what is going on.