



Lets say I have a canvas defined to be 1000x1000 big. Is it possible to only show a 100x100 part of it in a Viewbox(or a rectangel)?

Any help is apreciated.....

+1  A: 

If you work with Brushes, you might want to take a look at Viewbox and Viewport in WPF

Edit: I just realised that Viewbox and Viewport are used for Brushes This is not really appropiate in your situation. I looked it up, and I think you will like the Clip property on UIElement.

Since Canvas is also a UIElement, you can use the Clip property to simulate a viewport on your Canvas..

Click here for some simple Geometry types

I think you would suffice with a RectangleGeometry

        <RectangleGeometry Rect="50,50,25,25" />

Edit #2:

Hehe ok.. if you want your total Canvas displayed, only smaller, perheps you should take a look and LayoutTransform. Then use a ScaleTranform to resize your Canvas ;).

        <ScaleTransform CenterX="0" CenterY="0" ScaleX="0.5" ScaleY="0.5" />

Tweak the parameters until you receive the desired effect ;)

Viewport is exactly what I want. Unfortunalely there is no such property for the canvas. How can I get around that limitation?
Erik Z
Hey Erik.. I changed the answer a bit... I think the Clip property will be more appropiate :)
Thank you! Clip is nearly what I'm searching for. I can clip to show only a part of the canvas.....BUT I want to resize that clipped region fill it's container. Is that possible?
Erik Z
I must clearify myself. I want the clipped region to fill out the same area as the original canvas does.
Erik Z
haha.. see my altered answer ;)
ViewBox (not ViewPort) has nothing to do with brushes, and I think it's exactly what you need. Just put your content inside it and set the appropriate properties
Thomas Levesque