I have the following C function:
int w_ei_connect_init(ei_cnode* ec, const char* this_node_name,
const char *cookie, short creation);
looks like this:
typedef struct ei_cnode_s {
char thishostname[EI_MAXHOSTNAMELEN+1];
char thisnodename[MAXNODELEN+1];
char thisalivename[EI_MAXALIVELEN+1];
char ei_connect_cookie[EI_MAX_COOKIE_SIZE+1];
short creation;
erlang_pid self;
} ei_cnode;
Which I have converted to C#:
public struct cnode {
SizeConst = Ei.MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN + 1)]
public string thishostname;
SizeConst = Ei.MAX_NODE_LEN + 1)]
public string thisnodename;
SizeConst = Ei.MAX_ALIVE_LEN + 1)]
public string thisalivename;
SizeConst = Ei.MAX_COOKIE_SIZE + 1)]
public string ei_connect_cookie;
public short creation;
public erlang_pid self;
I'm not good with pointers or C in general, so I'm not sure how I'm supposed to supply a cnode
to ei_connect_init
What would the equivalent C# signature be for the C function above?