



Visual C# 2008 is giving an error when I attempt to change the anchor for multiple controls simultaneously. This error does not occur when done individually.

Property value is not valid.

Could not find file 'C:\Users\user\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\test\test\Resources\WelcomeBorder.png'.

The image was previously used as a background image for a panel (not one of the elements selected, though they're in it), but all references to the image have been deleted. A search through the entire solution for the string "WelcomeBorder" returned no finds. The solution has been repeatedly rebuilt since.

The file has been deleted.


Check if the file reference still exists in Resources.resx


I encountered this same error when I manually deleted an image from the Resources directory. I had to put back the images back in the directory that it was complaining about and then right click Reesources.resx to delete them the proper way.

Der Wolf