Hi all
Wonder if anyone has come accross this problem. I have created a demo portlet using the grails portlet and liferay plugins.
After installing the grails plugins in a project i simply ran the following commands
grails create-portlet MyFirst
grails generate-portlet-views MyFirst
grails liferay-deploy
The portlet deploys fine. However when i try to add the portlet to a page then i get the following stacktrace. Anyone have any ideas ?
23:04:52,134 ERROR [jsp:165] javax.servlet.ServletException: File "/WEB-INF/grails-app/views/myfirst/render.jsp" not found
I am running liferay version 5.2.3 that has tomcat version 6.0.18 embedded. I am also using JVM 1.6
thanks in advance.