



Now using VS 2008

Before I used VB 6, now I Upgraded to VB 2008.

VB6 Code

sdate = DateToString(dtpicker1 - 1)
edate = DateToString(dtpicker2)

Above code is working fine.

After Upgraded to VB 2008

sdate = DateToString(dtpicker1._Value)
edate = DateToString(dtpicker2._Value)

If I Put

sdate = DateToString(dtpicker1._Value - 1)

It is showing Error.

How can I write a code like dtpicker1 – 1

Need VB code Help.


I'm assuming you're trying to subtract one day from dtpicker1's value? If so, do this:

sdate = DateToString(dtpicker1._Value.AddDays(-1))
When I press dtpicker1.value.(After . Press nothing display) when i enter .addday(-1).tostring. It displaying error
What type of object is dtpicker? And what is the error?

Bit unsure of what you are trying to do, but for the following solution I'm assuming that by -1 you are saying that you want to get the day before the date. If so then use


On top of that if you want to format the string that comes out, you can do that by using a format string such as


which will print the date out like "20/08/2009".

When I press dtpicker1.value.(After . Press nothing display) when i enter .addday(-1).tostring. It displaying error
What's the error?
+1  A: 

The Value is of type Object. That is because the value of a datepicker can be either a valid date, or empty. So you need:

If IsDate(dtpicker1._Value) Then
  sdate = CDate(dtpicker1._Value).AddDays(-1).ToShortDateString()
End If

If the value is empty, it actually has a type of System.DBNull , which means that for conversion to string, you can define two functions with identical names, but different parameter types:

Public Function DateToString(ByVal _date As Date) As String
    Return _date.ToShortDateString()
End Function  

Public Function DateToString(ByVal _date As DBNull) As String
    Return "No date selected!"
End Function

You can then modify your previous code to this:

Dim theDate As Object
theDate = dtpicker1._Value
If IsDate(theDate) Then
  theDate = CDate(theDate).AddDays(-1)
End If
sdate = DateToString(theDate)