Sinan's suggestion was good, but it didn't connect all the dots. Here is a very simple program that I cobbled together:
file 1: The handlers (
package MySAXHandler;
use base qw(XML::SAX::Base);
sub start_document {
my ($self, $doc) = @_;
# process document start event
sub start_element {
my ($self, $el) = @_;
# process element start event
print "Element: " . $el->{LocalName} . "\n";
file 2: The test program (
use strict;
use XML::SAX;
use MySAXHandler;
my $parser = XML::SAX::ParserFactory->parser(
Handler => MySAXHandler->new
Note: How to get the values of an element attribute. This was not described in a way that I could use. It took me over an hour to figure out the syntax. Here it is. In my XML file, the attribute was ss:Index. The namespace definition for ss was xmlns:ss="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet". Thus, in order to get the silly Index attribute, I needed this:
my $ssIndex = $el->{Attributes}{'{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet}Index'}{Value};
That was painful.