I have found I can do the following:
if($('#notice', parent.frames['header'].document).length>0) { alert("It is here!"); }
to check for an item in another frame.
Is there a way to find out of the frame exists? Specifically I am looking to see if parent.frames['header'].document is there.
Is there a reliable way of doing this?
Update: Here's my frameset code:
<frameset rows="104,*,22" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0">
<frame src="header.php" id="header" name="header" scrolling="no" title="Header and Menu" noresize>
<frame src="main.php" title="Main content" name="main">
<frame src="footer.php" name="footer" title="Footer" scrolling="NO" noresize>
I'm trying to make sure that I can access a div that lives inside of "header". The downside is that, in some cases, main is replaced with another frameset.