




Hello, I am a hobby web developer. I know asp.net(C#), sql server, HTML(beginner), css (beginner).

What books or schools would you recommend. If you were to give someone a full outline of what to do to become a web developer what would it be?


As an occupation?

First of all what other skills do you know? This is business, know business well...4 year degree in business is a good idea, experience in the business world highly recommended. This more so than anything else. This brings you partway into analysis, design, project management, etc.

Also, graphics too, learn Photoshop, Microsoft Expression, Other Adobe tools such as Flash, etc.

That's just a start...

Yes, I would like to get a job in web development.
Kirk Broadhurst
Vehemently disagree with above post, you're going into the world of business and you better know business...web development alone goes nowhere, if all I need is a script monkey I'm going to rentacoder.com...
Jack of all trades, master of none...
Luke Lowrey
+1  A: 

Make lots of websites using the technology you want. Push yourself to make cooler stuff. Find a mentor and have them review your work and offer suggestions. Buy a book on ASP and do the exercises.

School doesn't make you a good developer; it makes you a good Computer Science student. There is no substitute for writing code, failing, and continuing to write code.

+6  A: 

In general I would suggest this to a hobbyist who wants to turn "pro". HeHe....

Learn more about how to program, not just web stuff.
For example, learn about:

  • Development Practices, Software Design, Estimation, Methodologies Business Analysis Database Design

  • Read Code - Open Source Projects are a good place for this. Read
    Programming blogs

  • Try to participate on Open Source

  • Look for programming user groups in
    your town and/or someone who can mentor you.

  • Consider a degree or at least an
    internship somewhere.

The Biggie on this one - Be willing to learn and always look to be learning.

For more specifics for web development:

Decent to In Depth understanding of:

  • HTML & CSS
  • HTTP / web server
  • JavaScript (perhaps even JQuery or the like)

For more specifics on ASP.Net:

  • Asp.Net page Life cycle
  • Asp.Net Controls usage
  • AJAX
  • MVC, Dynamic Data or other alternates....
  • LINQ, LINQ to SQL, Entities or other alternatives like NHibernate....

Definitely these are just a list and I don't expect a hobbyist to learn them all to find a job but they are a list of desirables I think many would look for. If you can start working on these items you will be OK.

The biggest in my opinion is learning to program! The more you learn to do this well, as technology changes these skills will forever be in your arsenal and will always pay dividends.

Yes, ALL Asp.Net developers should know HTML and CSS ... sad thing is, most don't.
And add to HTTP / web server ... know the difference between client/server - Server side code vs. Client side and Ajax.
I agree @Martin. We don't need to be an HTML / CSS Expert but having a decent to good skillset in it is huge!
I think understanding the ASP.NET Page Life Cycle is half the battle!

Enthousiasm !


You can use this book to start with Click


Some basic HTTP Protocal knowledge,reading source code,reading blog posts. The most important is Coding every day.

Kevin Dai

You already are a web developer... The move from hobbyist to professional web developer is not a step it is a gradient. As you go along you will try to tackle bigger and more complex applications and you will learn a lot during these jobs. As klabranche says you should always be open for new knowledge and be good at learning from your mistakes. Nobody know all there is to know about asp.net, html, css etc.
