Thank you all for all answers.
Finally I used a combination from Rex M and adrianbanks, and added my own improvements, to simplify the binding to ComboBox.
The changes were needed because, while working on the code, I realized sometimes I need to be able to exclude one enumeration item from the combo.
Enum Complexity
// this will be used in filters,
// but not in module where I have to assign Complexity to a field
So sometimes I want the picklist to show all but AllComplexities (in add - edit modules) and other time to show all (in filters)
Here's what I did:
- I created a extension method, that uses Description Attribute as localization lookup key. If Description attribute is missing, I create the lookup localization key as EnumName_
EnumValue. Finally, if translation is missing I just split enum name based on camelcase to separate words as shown by adrianbanks. BTW, TranslationHelper is a wrapper around resourceMgr.GetString(...)
The full code is shown below
public static string GetDescription(this System.Enum value)
string enumID = string.Empty;
string enumDesc = string.Empty;
// try to lookup Description attribute
FieldInfo field = value.GetType().GetField(value.ToString());
object[] attribs = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), true);
if (attribs.Length > 0)
enumID = ((DescriptionAttribute)attribs[0]).Description;
enumDesc = TranslationHelper.GetTranslation(enumID);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(enumID) || TranslationHelper.IsTranslationMissing(enumDesc))
// try to lookup translation from EnumName_EnumValue
string[] enumName = value.GetType().ToString().Split('.');
enumID = string.Format("{0}_{1}", enumName[enumName.Length - 1], value.ToString());
enumDesc = TranslationHelper.GetTranslation(enumID);
if (TranslationHelper.IsTranslationMissing(enumDesc))
enumDesc = string.Empty;
// try to format CamelCase to proper names
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(enumDesc))
Regex capitalLetterMatch = new Regex("\\B[A-Z]", RegexOptions.Compiled);
enumDesc = capitalLetterMatch.Replace(value.ToString(), " $&");
catch (Exception)
// if any error, fallback to string value
enumDesc = value.ToString();
return enumDesc;
I created a generic helper class based on Enum, which allow to bind the enum easily to DataSource
public class LocalizableEnum
/// <summary>
/// Column names exposed by LocalizableEnum
/// </summary>
public class ColumnNames
public const string ID = "EnumValue";
public const string EntityValue = "EnumDescription";
public class LocalizableEnum<T>
private T m_ItemVal;
private string m_ItemDesc;
public LocalizableEnum(T id)
System.Enum idEnum = id as System.Enum;
if (idEnum == null)
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Type {0} is not enum", id.ToString()));
m_ItemVal = id;
m_ItemDesc = idEnum.GetDescription();
public override string ToString()
return m_ItemDesc;
public T EnumValue
get { return m_ID; }
public string EnumDescription
get { return ToString(); }
Then I created a generic static method that returns a List>, as below
public static List<LocalizableEnum<T>> GetEnumList<T>(object excludeMember)
List<LocalizableEnum<T>> list =null;
Array listVal = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(T));
if (listVal.Length>0)
string excludedValStr = string.Empty;
if (excludeMember != null)
excludedValStr = ((T)excludeMember).ToString();
list = new List<LocalizableEnum<T>>();
for (int i = 0; i < listVal.Length; i++)
T currentVal = (T)listVal.GetValue(i);
if (excludedValStr != currentVal.ToString())
System.Enum enumVal = currentVal as System.Enum;
LocalizableEnum<T> enumMember = new LocalizableEnum<T>(currentVal);
return list;
and a wrapper to return list with all members
public static List<LocalizableEnum<T>> GetEnumList<T>()
return GetEnumList<T>(null);
Now let's put all things together and bind to actual combo:
// in module where we want to show items with all complexities
// or just filter on one complexity
comboComplexity.DisplayMember = LocalizableEnum.ColumnNames.EnumValue;
comboComplexity.ValueMember = LocalizableEnum.ColumnNames.EnumDescription;
comboComplexity.DataSource = EnumHelper.GetEnumList<Complexity>();
comboComplexity.SelectedValue = Complexity.AllComplexities;
// ....
// and here in edit module where we don't want to see "All Complexities"
comboComplexity.DisplayMember = LocalizableEnum.ColumnNames.EnumValue;
comboComplexity.ValueMember = LocalizableEnum.ColumnNames.EnumDescription;
comboComplexity.DataSource = EnumHelper.GetEnumList<Complexity>(Complexity.AllComplexities);
comboComplexity.SelectedValue = Complexity.VeryComplex; // set default value
To read selected the value and use it, I use code as below
Complexity selComplexity = (Complexity)comboComplexity.SelectedValue;