+2  A: 

I don't know of any good Perl to Powershell comparisons but I can answer your secondary question.

$files = get-childitem "c:\test\" -filter *.dll
foreach ($file in $files) { $file.Name }

There are two different ways you can express a foreach loop in Powershell.

You can pipe an array of objects into foreach and $_ becomes the current object on each iteration.

0,1,2,3 | foreach { $_ }

Alternatively, you can pass a variable to iterate over.

foreach ($num in 0,1,2,3) { $num }

Output in both cases.

anyone want to explain the -1?
Wasn't me, but I figure it's due the OP saying "I don't want the answer to this simple question. I want to know how to figure it out."
That's true, kind of a bummer that my answer is the same as everyone elses (but does answer the simple question) and someone downvoted... you have a valid point though, I should have read the question more thuroughly.
+3  A: 

I've never seen such a guide. I've seen something to help people going from VBScript to PowerShell.

Bruce Payette's PowerShell in Action does have a few pages on PowerShell vs X scripting language, but that won't cut it for a conversion guide.

Now, there was a site out there that had all kinds of constructs in multiple languages, thus providing a task, and then going about solving it in all kinds of languages based on answers from the community... Anyone know what I'm talking about?

Marco Shaw
There's Rosetta Code at http://rosettacode.org/ but there are few powershell examples there. There is another site, but I can't think of it right now.
Ah, it's PLEAC - http://pleac.sourceforge.net/ but no powershell examples at all.
There may be some examples here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/rosetta-stone but they may be few, and far between.
Brad Gilbert
daotoad: Trying to change that sad fact about Rosetta Code :-)

Why would you want to switch from a Swiss Army knife to a single dull and broken blade? I'm just saying...

EDIT: it's a reasonable question. The poster has experience in a number of languages, any one of which is likely good for the task at hand, so it might be worth (re?)visiting the need for switching, especially given the setbacks he is experiencing.


I'm curious do you have the powershell cookbook? I thought since I had programming experience that it would be the best way to quickly learn powershell. This turned out to be a poor assumption. Even though the book was really good, I was struggling because I needed a book that was structured more for learning than reference.

The two best free online ebooks I found are:



I'm still looking for a good print book.

+1  A: 

Like he said himself, he realized the potential to get some very powerful things using powershell...I recently started using it myself and the ease with which things can be done is astounding...just a few lines is all it takes to accomplish things that in python woulda taken me some extra workarounds etc.