I'd like to use Silverlight's CLR instead of .NET CLR. For these reasons, at least:
- Cross-platform ability
- I need to avoid any compatibility problems for my .NET-written plugin. Process can host only sole .NET CLR, and when several plugins targeted for different CLR versions are in the same process - it becomes a great pain. Silverlight CLR's doesn't have such limitation.
- Silverlight supports mini-deployment (only CLR core and necessary assemblies)
The trouble is that Silverlight CLR is always sandboxed. Is there any way to get Silverlight app out of sandbox?
Silverlight class library contains some methods that can't be called from sandboxed app - thus, I assume there is some way to get app unsandboxed? Or they just forgot to remove these methods, when were porting class library from .NET?
UPD: got an idea. At least, Silverlight class library assemblies can call any (unsafe) code. Is there any way to pretend my assembly is a part of class library?