Is there a way in Visual Studio (2008 if it matters) that I can, in debug/break mode, write the contents of a variable to a text/XML file?
The scenario is that I have a long process running in debug and I have realised too late that I haven't logged enough detail about the events that the process has been monitoring, but fortunately a history is still available within a variable in the code.
I could trawl through the tens of thousands of items in this list, but it's not going to persist once I hit stop on the app ... there is no obvious context option for this, but is there any way, a better way than manual? Or is there no hope and I just need to hit stop, re-tool the logging function and run the thing again?
Aside from trying to hit a break point, modify the code and re-write to make a better logger, is there a way of not losing that in-memory data?