In your scenario, I would recommend explicitly setting isolation level to snapshot - that will prevent read from getting in the way of writes (inserts and updates) by preventing locks, yet those read would still be "good" reads (i.e. not dirty data - it is not the same as a NOLOCK)
Generally i find that where i have locking issues with my queries, i manually control the lock applied. e.g. i would do updates with row-level locks to avoid page/table level locking, and set my reads to readpast (accepting that i may miss some data, in some scenarios that might be ok)
EDIT-- Combining all the comments into the answer
As part of the optimisation process, sql server avoids getting commited reads on a page that it know hasn't changed, and automatically falls back to a lesser locking strategy. In your case, sql server drops from a serializable read to a repeatable read.
Q: Thanks for that useful info regarding dropping Isolation Levels. Can you think of any reason that it would use Serializable IsolationLevel in the first place, given that we don't use an explicit transaction for the SELECT - it was our understanding that the implicit transaction would use ReadCommitted?
A: By default, SQL Server will use Read Commmited if that is your default isolation level BUT if you do not additionally specify a locking strategy in your query, you are basically saying to sql server "do what you think is best, but my preference is Read Commited". Since SQL Server is free to choose, so it does in order to optimise the query. (The optimisation algorithm in sql server is very complex and i do not fully understand it myself). Not explicitly executing within a transaction does not, afaik, affect the isolation level that sql server uses.
Q: One last thing, does it seem reasonable that SQL Server would increase the Isolation Level (and presumably the number of locks required) to optimise the query? I'm also wondering whether the reuse of a pooled connection would affect this if it inherited the last used Isolation Level?
A: Sql server will do that as part of a process called "Lock Escalation". From, i quote: "Microsoft SQL Server dynamically determines when to perform lock escalation. When making this decision, SQL Server takes into account the number of locks that are held on a particular scan, the number of locks that are held by the whole transaction, and the memory that is being used for locks in the system as a whole. Typically, SQL Server's default behavior results in lock escalation occurring only at those points where it would improve performance or when you must reduce excessive system lock memory to a more reasonable level. However, some application or query designs may trigger lock escalation at a time when it is not desirable, and the escalated table lock may block other users".
Although lock escalation is not exactly the same thing as changing the isolation level a query runs under, this surprises me because i would not have expected sql server to take more locks than what the default isolation level permits.