I asked a similar question awhile back.
Audit Logging Strategies also look at this question for a different way
What I ended up implementing the IInterceptor as a class and a generic auditlog poco class that contained the entity type, the entity Id, property name, current state, previous state, the type of change (Insert, Update, Delete) and the datetime the change happened.
Then I created an empty interface IAuditable so that each class that i wanted audited could be identified.
In the OnFlushDirty, OnDelete and another event that I cannot think of right now, added new auditlog classes for each property that had changed.
I will update this question when I get home and have access to the code that I am currently using.
Also look
Frederik Gheysels' DevLog - NHibernate IInterceptor: an AuditInterceptor
Edit - Updating answer with implementation
Looking at it again I need to refactor it as it does smell alot, but at the time I just needed something to work, and this is what I came up with.
This is the nhibernate mapping that I have used
<class name="AuditLog" table="AuditLog" lazy="true" >
<id name="_persistenceId" column="Id" type="Guid" access="field" unsaved-value="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" >
<generator class="guid.comb" />
<version name="_persistenceVersion" column="RowVersion" access="field" type="int" unsaved-value="0"/>
<property name="CreatedDate" column="CreatedDate" type="DateTime" />
<property name="UpdatedBy" column="UpdatedBy" type="string" length="100" />
<property name="EntityID" column="EntityID" type="guid" not-null="true" />
<property name="EntityName" column="EntityName" type="String" length="100" not-null="true" />
<property name="PropertyName" column="PropertyName" type="String" length="100" not-null="true" />
<property name="ActionType" column="ActionType" type="Char" length="1" not-null="true" />
<property name="OldValue" column="OldValue" type="String" length="1000" not-null="false" />
<property name="NewValue" column="NewValue" type="String" length="1000" not-null="false" />
The class is a general poco class that implements each of these properties.
The Implemetation of the IInterceptor look like this (In VB.Net)
Imports Rhino.Commons
Public Class AuditInterceptor
Inherits NHibernate.EmptyInterceptor
Private _auditLogRepository As IAuditLogRepository
Public Sub New(ByVal [AuditLogRepository] As IAuditLogRepository)
_auditLogRepository = [AuditLogRepository]
End Sub
Public Overrides Function OnFlushDirty(ByVal entity As Object, ByVal id As Object, ByVal currentState() As Object, ByVal previousState() As Object, ByVal propertyNames() As String, ByVal types() As NHibernate.Type.IType) As Boolean
'Called on an Update
If TypeOf entity Is IAuditable Then
Using uow = UnitOfWork.Start(UnitOfWorkNestingOptions.CreateNewOrNestUnitOfWork)
If TypeOf entity Is [yourObject] Then
aLog = New AuditLog(Now, My.User.Name)
With aLog
.EntityID = id
.EntityName = "[yourObject]"
.PropertyName = "[yourProperty]"
.ActionType = "U"
.OldValue = GetPropertyValue("[yourProperty]", previousState, propertyNames)
.NewValue = GetPropertyValue("[yourProperty]", currentState, propertyNames)
End With
End if
End Using
End If
Return MyBase.OnFlushDirty(entity, id, state, propertyNames, types)
End Function
Public Overrides Function OnSave(ByVal entity As Object, ByVal id As Object, ByVal state() As Object, ByVal propertyNames() As String, ByVal types() As NHibernate.Type.IType) As Boolean
'Called on an Insert
If TypeOf entity Is IAuditable Then
'create a new audit log class here
end if
Return MyBase.OnSave(entity, id, state, propertyNames, types)
End Function