



I want to use forms authentication in my mvc site.

Can I use an already existing sql db (on a remote server) for it? How do I configure the site to use this db for authentication? Which tables do I need/are used for authentication?

+3  A: 

You can. Check aspnet_regsql.exe program parameters in your Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\ folder, specially sqlexportonly.

After creating the needed tables, you can configure: create a connection string in the web.config file and then set up the MemberShipProvider to use this connection string:

    <add name="MyLocalSQLServer" connectionString="Initial Catalog=aspnetdb;data source=servername;uid=whatever;pwd=whatever;"/>

<authentication mode="Forms">
  <forms name="SqlAuthCookie" timeout="10" loginUrl="Login.aspx"/>
  <deny users="?"/>
  <allow users="*"/>
<membership defaultProvider="MySqlMembershipProvider">
    <add name="MySqlMembershipProvider" connectionStringName="MyLocalSQLServer" applicationName="MyAppName" type="System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider, System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"/>

Ps: There are some very good articles about the whole concept here.

+1  A: 

The easiest manner is to just use the windows interface for the aspnet_regsql.exe application.

You can find it in the c:\windows\\framework\v2.0.50727 folder.

Just type in aspnet_regsql.exe, it will then open a wizard, this way you don't need to remember any command line switches.

Mitchel Sellers