



Hallo, Does anyone perhaps know how to interface with a MemCached server (linux) from within a Delphi win32 application? I am unable to find a general C DLL client, or perhaps delphi code to communicate to the server. Any suggestions/help would be appreciated.

Thanks Eric Grobler

+2  A: 

Since the protocol is fairly simple, just about any library which handles telnet should be able to handle communication with the server. This includes Indy, Synapse, and ICS. I based this off of the protocol documentation.

My preference would be to implement using Synapse. Synapse uses an object model rather than a component model, and is very easy to use and extend. The latest developers version (available via SVN) supports Delphi 2009 and I would expect soon to support Delphi 2010.


Thanks for your feedback, I will try a telnet communication. (and have a look at Synapse)

Regards Eric

Eric Grobler
+1  A: 

A Delphi client for Memcached can be found on google code:

Jason Southwell